Cold and Flu Myths & Facts

Office chair and desk
Healthy food

MYTH 1: Feed a cold and starve a fever (or vice versa).

TRUTH: Either way it’s wrong. Eat healthy to get healthy.


MYTH 2: Antibiotics cure colds and flu.

TRUTH: The cold and flu are viruses. Antibiotics only work on bacterial infections.


MYTH 3: Cold weather causes a cold.

TRUTH: Cold temperatures with low absolute humidity levels can increase transmission of viruses.


MYTH 4: Drinking milk produces more mucus.

TRUTH: It has no impact on mucus production but it is full of vitamins and minerals.


MYTH 5: The flu vaccine can give you the flu.

TRUTH: The virus in the vaccine is inactive and can’t cause an infection.

Glass of water

MYTH 6: Sweat it out.

TRUTH: Dehydration can make you feel worse. Drink lots of fluids.


FACT 1: Go for a steam.

Inhaling steam loosens mucus and opens blocked airways.

Salt water

FACT 2: Gargle with salt water.

A sore throat can be soothed by gargling with warm water mixed with salt.

Chicken soup

FACT 3: Eat chicken soup.

The steam helps with congestion while the broth keeps you hydrated.


FACT 4: Blow your nose often.

Sniffling can encourage a sinus infection.


FACT 5: Cool mists help.

Humidifiers can help ease nasal congestion.


FACT 6: Hog the pillows.

An extra pillow elevates the head to open nasal passages and drain congestion.