What is the Common Cold?

Woman sneezing

The common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. You get it by touching something infected with a cold virus. You can also get it through the air when somebody coughs or sneezes.

How do you know if you have a cold?

It’s easy to mistake a bad cold for a flu, but there are differences between them. Colds are generally less severe and don’t come on as suddenly as the flu. Also, certain symptoms are likely to be more prominent.

What are the symptoms of a cold?

Runny Nose

Runny Nose

Sinus and Nasal Congestion

Sinus and Nasal Congestion

Sore Throat Pain

Scratchy Throat or Sore Throat Pain



Weakened Sense Of Taste or Smell

Weakened Sense Of Taste or Smell



Is a cold serious?

Though a cold can make you feel miserable, it usually goes away on its own after about a week or 2. For the most part, colds are annoying but you can usually go about your normal daily routine. Of course, be considerate to others and wash your hands often so you don’t spread germs.

What you can do to ease the symptoms?

There is no cure for a cold, but here are a few things you can do to lessen symptoms and make yourself more comfortable.

  • Rest: take it easy and stay home if you can
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Gargle with warm salt water to soothe sore throat pain
  • Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer for sore throat pain and sinus congestion
  • If you smoke, stop or cut back
  • Use NeoCitran to ease a variety of symptoms